Customer insights feeling stale? Time to clean up your survey game.

We’ve all been there. You receive a survey request and you can feel the enthusiasm drain out of your body. “Oh great, another long survey I have to take,” you think as you prepare to click through the pages of questions that make you want to pull your hair out. But what if surveys weren’t so…painful? What if they were actually fun or interesting? Believe it or not, this is possible with the right survey design strategy. Let's explore why high quality survey design matters and how it can be used to your advantage.

What is High Quality Survey Design?

High quality survey design is about more than just making sure your survey looks nice. It's about creating a positive experience for respondents that encourages them to engage with your questions and provide thoughtful feedback—and giving them incentives to do so (and we don’t mean just boring gift cards). This means designing surveys that are easy to understand, organized in a logical flow, and tailored to each individual respondent. In other words, it requires both an understanding of psychology and human behavior as well as technical expertise when it comes to designing the actual survey elements.

Why is High Quality Survey Design Important?

Surveys are one of the most effective ways for organizations to collect customer feedback on their products or services — but only if they're designed well. Poorly designed surveys often lead respondents to skip questions or give inaccurate answers because they become frustrated with the process. In fact, research shows that poorly designed surveys can cause respondents' answers to vary by up 30%. When designing surveys, businesses should focus on keeping them simple and engaging by eliminating unnecessary questions and providing clear instructions on how those questions should be answered. Additionally, make sure you use visuals whenever possible; research shows that adding images and videos increases engagement rates by up to 20%.

These quick pointers can make all the difference.

Start by focusing on the user experience. Consider what would make you want to respond thoughtfully when taking a survey yourself! How specific is the survey topic? Does it justify a 5 minute survey? Is your incentive aligned with that sort time investment from the respondent? It's useful to give respondents an idea of how long the survey will take before they opt in. This shows that you respect their time and are not asking for much of it.

Avoid using jargon whenever possible; using plain language will help ensure that everyone understands what each question is asking without getting overwhelmed or confused by technical terms they're unfamiliar with. Remember: a little bit of effort goes a long way when it comes to creating effective surveys!

Use surveys to give your business the edge

High quality feedback surveys improve help improve customer satisfaction. What's more, research shows simply the act of asking for feedback enhances customer's impression of the product or service!

To achieve high quality survey design, consider enlisting the help of professional survey designers. Look for a firm with experience in consumer psychology and human behavior. They can help you create surveys that are engaging, easy to understand, and tailored to specific research objectives. Additionally, they will be able to implement technical best practices for survey design such as using visuals and providing clear instructions and estimated response times.

If this sounds like something you'd like to explore, let's chat!


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